Isis is shown standing. She wears an Ionian chiton with a himation thrown over it. Her scarf is tied into a Isiac knot at her breast. The thick folds of the fabric are nicely wrought. Below them, well-developed, albeit not excessively large, breasts can be discerned. The weight is placed on the right leg. The legs with gentle contours can also be discerned under the fabric. The head and both arms are missing, while on the left leg there is a break at roughly knee level. Based on the position of the right arm up to the breakage point, one may assume that she held a sistrum. Based on the iconographic model, it may be assumed that she held a situla in her left hand.
The iconographic model of this Isis statue from Nin belongs to the Hellenistic art of the latter half of the 4th c. B.C., but this statue was probably made as a copy at the end of the 1st c. A.D. The rendering exhibits a high quality. The feminity of the goddess is emphasized.
It was made from the white marble, but the surface of statue is quite yellow.
The statue is damaged: head with the neck and both hands below elbow are missing; surface of the legs, foot and the pieces of chiton is missing.
Catalogue entry
Marble statue of Isis Archaeological Museum in Zagreb Ancient Department inv. no. AMZ A-34 Nin (Aenona) Roman Empire, 2nd half of the 1st. c. white marble: stone processing 136.5 x 45 cm
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