The artifacts consists of a wooden box with a lid containing wooden rods for writing. It has two hollows on the surface for black and red ink. Protective carouches are darved around the hollows. In the bottom of the palette cartouche of Ramesses II was carved.
A poorly visible hieratic text in 22 lines is carved on the back side.
The palette is very well preserved.
Catalogue entry
Scribe's palette with cartouche of Ramesses II Archaeological Museum in Zagreb Egyptian department inv. no. AMZ E-185 Ancient Egypt, unknown location New Kingdom (1539-1069 B.C.), reign of the Ramesses II (1279-1213 B.C.) wood: cutting, carving 5.2 x 38 cm purchase, Franz Koller, 1868
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Monnet Saleh, Janine. Les Antiquites Egyptienne de Zagreb. Paris, 1970. no. 904, 182.
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Tomorad, Mladen. Egipat u Hrvatskoj: egipatske starine u hrvatskoj znanosti i kulturi. Zagreb, 2003. 33, fn. 4.
Tomorad, Mladen. Model računalne obrade i prezentacije staroegipatskih predmeta u muzejskim zbirkama u Hrvatskoj. [Doktorska disertacije, Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu]. Zagreb, 2006. 7.
Tomorad, Mladen. Staroegipatska civilizacija, sv. II: Uvod u egiptološke studije. Zagreb, 2017. 54, 58, fig. 75.
Uranić, Igor. Aegyptiaca Zagrabiensis. Zagreb, 2009. no. 454, 206.