Lower part of the marble statue with tabula ansata

Lower part of the marble statue with tabula ansata
On the remaining lower part of the statue, the remains of the male figure can be seen, probably the god to whom the inscription is dedicated.
The inscription is written on the face of the pedestal, framed by a tabula ansata.


To the holy god Serapis.

The inscription was dedicated to the Hellenistic god Serapis by Sarmentius Geminus, probably freeman from the Ancient Orient.

Deus sanctus was a rare dedicatory formula addressed to Serapis. A similar formula Deo sancto Serapi was found in York in Britain at the end of the 2nd or the early 3rd century AD. The same formula was also discovered in Ostia and Mauretania.

The lower part of the statue was made by marble stone.

It is very damaged and the inscription is no longer visible.

Catalogue entry

Lower part of the marble statue with tabula ansata
The Senj City Museum, Senj
inv. no. unknown
Senj (Senia)
Roman Empire, 2nd half of the 2nd c.-1st half of the 3rd c. AD
marble: stone cutting
27 x 30 cm
archaeological excavation, in the wall of the Vukasović palace, 1898


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