Fragment of the upper part of a monolith limestone, part of an altar enclosure. The lower part is destroyed and missing. On the front side, in a part of a rectangular aedicule, the upper part of Iupiter Amon's head is chiseled in high relief. A lattice-like flat frame boeders the preserved par of aedicule. There is a lattice-like triply profiled and fluted cornice above the aedicule. The preserved part of Iupiter Amon's head is excellently elaborated. The man's head is covered by thick curly hair from which two circularly bent horns emerge. Strong eyebrows above large eyes, wide nose and a strong beard indicate a dominant and victorious position of the depicted figure.
Catalogue entry
Monolith block of the part of an altar enclosure with a representation of Jupiter-Ammon Archaeological Museum of Istria, Pula Inv. no. AMIP A-393 Pula (Pola) Roman Empire, 1. c. A.D. limestone: carving, stone processing 120 x 82 x 85 cm archaeological excavation of the ancient Forum
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