T(itus) ANN[iius]
LOC(us) IN FR(onte) [p(edes)-]
IN AGR(o) I[X].
Titus Annius
Location in length (? feet)
width 9 (feet).
The name Isidorus is on a grave inscription. Isidorus and Isidora are onomastic derivations of the name Isis. The meaning is: one who is given by Isis, or: gift of Isis. Malaise cited 107 men's names in Italy derived from Isis, as well as 97 women's names (Condit, 1972: 42). Titus Annius Isidorus bears the theophorus cognomen, which may point to his affinity for the cult of Isis.
Limestone with theophoric name Isido(rus)
Archaeological Museum of Istria, Pula
Inv. no. AMIP A-4118
Pula (Pola), 1st May Street
Roman Empire, 1st-3rd c. A.D.
limestone: carving, stone processing
50 x 26 x 19 cm
archaeological excavation, 1956