Fragment of the altar dedicated to Isis

Fragment of the altar dedicated to Isis

Two fragments of a limestone atlar. Three lines of text preserved, with lacunae which correspond to the fissure: SIDI AVG(ustae) SAC(rum) [—] V(otum) S(olvit) L(ibens) M(erito) Dedicated to the sublime Isis [—] Vow fulfilled willingly and deservedly. The line which certainly contained the dedicant´s name is missing. Wheter or not the lost piece had any more lines of text remains an open question. Zhe preserved dedication to the sublime Isis (Isis Augusta) testifies to the official status of the cult od Isis and links it to the Imperial cult.

Catalogue entry

Fragment of the altar dedicated to Isis
Novigrad (Istra), built in the floor of Cathedral, 1956
Roman Empire, 2nd c.
limestone: chiselling, stone processing 
10 x 17 x 10 cm


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