Fragment of a smaller altar with the theophoric name of Aeflania Isias

Fragment of a smaller altar with the theophoric name of Aeflania Isias

The upper section of a damages arula. A part of the crown with the remains of moulding has been preserved. On the preserved part of the inscription field it reads:

(V(otum) S(olvit) L(ibens) M(erito))

to Istria
joyously and according to merit fulfilled this wow.

The cognomen Isias is theophorus, derived from the name of the godess Isis. The dedication to the domestic godess Istria (Istriae) appeared in the third and fourth centuries.

Catalogue entry

Fragment of a smaller altar with the theophoric name of Aeflania Isias
Archaeological Museum of Istria, Pula
Inv. no. AMIP A-439
Pula (Pola)
Roman Empire, 3rd c. A.D.
limestone: carving, stone processing
22,5 x 11 x 22 cm
archaeological excavation, 19th c.


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