Miniature bronze sistrum, probably amulet, is made from a prolonged trapezoidal ring with four sticks. These metal objects were commonly used in various Isaic rituals across Hellenistic East and later in Roman Empire. They were making sounds when metal sticks where shaken. Above the trapezoidal ring small instalment, probably the part of small hook used for hanging the amulet on a string, is still visible. There is a very small handle below trapezoidal ring.
It is made of bronze.
It is very well preserved.
It was unearthed in Vizače (ancient pre-Roman town of Nesactium) during the excavations in period from 1906 to 1908. In the ancient times sistrum-amulet probably belongs to the member of small Isaic community who lived in Nesactium. Today is housed in the Archaeological museum of Istria in Pula as part of the room which displays various findings from Nesactium.
Catalogue entry
Miniature amulet in shape of sistrum Archaeological Museum of Istria, Pula Inv. no. AMIP A-5048 Vizače (Nesactium) Roman Empire, 2nd c. B.C. - 1st c. A.D. bronze: metal casting and processing 7.8 x 5.2 cm archaeological excavation, 1908.
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