Monolith stone block with protome of Jupiter-Ammon
A stone block bearing an image of Jupiter Ammon in high relief. The image depicts a mature man with thick hair, moustache and beard, and a stern expression. Ram horns emerge from the back of the head and spread outward so that the gods pointed ears can be seen.
When it was found, it was interpreted as an altar. It definitely belongs to the architecture of Zadar Forum and it can be presumed that it belongs to the basilica built during the Sever dynasty (193-235 A.D.).
It is damaged. The left and the right part of the central figure are missing.
Catalogue entry
Monolith stone block with protome of Jupiter-Ammon Archaeological Museum Zadar, Zadar Inv. no. AMZd A-10561 Zadar (Iader), Forum, 1964 Roman Empire, 2nd half of the 2nd-1st half of the 3rd c. A.D. limestone: stone processing 60 x 100 x 101 cm
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