
Traditional representation of the god Horus as standing falcon with the crown of Upper and Lower Egypt. The parts of body are shown without any details. Surface is covered with dark rough patina. 

The statuette is pretty stylized, and made of bronze. It is damaged in the lower part.

Catalogue entry

Bronze statuette of Horus
Museum Mimara, Zagreb
Collection of the Ancient Civilizations
Inv. no. ATM 239
Egypt, unknown site
New Kingdom (1539-1069 B.C.) 
6.5 x 3 cm


  • Čukman Nikolić, Ivana; Tomorad, Mladen. „The Collection of Egyptian Artifacts in the Mimara Museum in Zagreb (Croatia)“. U: Tomorad, Mladen (ur.). A History of Research into Ancient Egyptian Culture conducted in Southeast Europe. Oxford, 2015: 59-74. no. 10, 63-64, fig. 58.
  • Tomorad, Mladen. „The Egyptian antiquities in Croatia“. PalArch 2, 1 (2005): 1-33. 12.
  • Tomorad, Mladen. Egipat u Hrvatskoj: egipatske starine u hrvatskoj znanosti i kulturi. Zagreb, 2003. 64, fn. 395.
  • Tomorad, Mladen. Model računalne obrade i prezentacije staroegipatskih predmeta u muzejskim zbirkama u Hrvatskoj. [Doktorska disertacije, Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu]. Zagreb, 2006. 17.
  • Tomorad, Mladen. Staroegipatska civilizacija, sv. II: Uvod u egiptološke studije. Zagreb, 2017. 66.
