Shabti from terracotta

Shabti from terracotta

Shabti from terracotta The Shabti is a classic form. On the head is a standard headgear - klaft. The klaft is precisely crafted. There are four wells on each side as well as flat ends. There is a triple necklace around the door. The face is unusual, with big eyes, wide nose and big lips. There is no beard or grain bags. In each hand he holds the toe. On the chest between arms is a vertical cartridge with the name of Tutmosis III. Below, in the remaining forehead of the statue there is a hieroglyphic inscription in eight horizontal strips. Shabti is made of terracotta Shabti is well preserved, but the back of the figure is completely untreated.


Typology: Schneider class VB3; Tomorad class O1

Catalogue entry

Shabti from terracotta

Archaeological museum in Split, Split

Inv. no. AMS B-212

Croatia, Middle Dalmatia

Hellenistic period (332 - 30 BC)

Roman period in Croatia


16.5 cm


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