Shabti of dark granite Shabti's head is covered with a klaft whose suspended ends fall nicely down on his chest, and a long beard reaches exactly to the edge of the suspended parts. The arms are crossed on the chest and there are ratchet tools. On the right shoulder is a pick and on the left is a hoe. In the right hand there is a strap that holds the shoulder bag over the shoulder. On the back column is a vertical hieroglyphic record, and the signs are facing to the right. The figure is made of granite. Shabti is damaged. The statue is clipped to the height of the knee and then glued. Subtle damage is also seen on a square base.
Catalogue entry
Dark granite Shaubti
Archaeological museum in Split, Split
Inv. no. AMS B-215
Croatia, middle Dalmatia
Late period (664. - 332. BC)
Roman period in Croatia
27th dynasty (525-404 BC)
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