Dark brown patinated terracotta

Dark brown patinated terracotta

The figurine is not in the shape of a mummy. The body is wrapped in a funerary sheet, the hands are not crossed on his chest but they are very long, falling down under the belly. On the head, with, as it seams negroid features, is a hairstyle made of parallel locks. It resembles a klaft. Between the unusually set suspensions we can distinguish, on the neck, a triple necklace. Two bumps under the necklace resemble the breasts. An arched shape connects the forearms. There is no beard. Below the lowered hand is a canelured field that may represent an apron. A horizontally places cattouche, partly damaged, is lying at the bottom of that cannelured field. We can read the initial part with the letters Imn, which refers to one of the Amenophies. The object appears to be African. It is broken under the breast and afterwards re-glued.

Catalogue entry


Dark brown patinated terracotta

Split Archaeological Museum

inv. no. AMS B-216

Roman period in Croatia


height: 14, 9 cm

Middle Dalmatia



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