Greenish enamel

Greenish enamel

Mummiform shabti with the back pillar not covered with a klaft (type XI A3). A striking beard, right hand crossed above the left and with a long-sleeve on the right one (H 2).A hoe and cord on the left, and a pick on the right shoulder (I 7). A hieroglyphic inscription is placed in a framed line in the shape of letter T (Tp 6). It begins with the formula: shđ Wsir, enlightened Osiris. Typologically it belongs to the time span from the Saite until the Ptolemaic period.

Catalogue entry

Shabti from green faience
private collection of the family dr. Tereza Marović, Split
ex-collection Carrara-Bratanić, Split
Solin (Salona)
Ancient Egypt, unknown site
Late period, 27th-31st Dynasty (525-332 B.C.)
Roman Republic - Roman Empire (3rd c. B.C.-2nd c. A.D.)
H. 10.8 cm
archaeological excavation; 1857
Typology: Schneider class XIA3; Tomorad class D1
Cf. Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden: AF67a; British Museum, London: BM34069; Musee du Louvre, Paris: E3512, 3519, 3528, 3546, 3548; Archaeological Museum, Zagreb: E-469; private collection Marović, Split: PZM CA-2


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