Relief plaque with goddess Neftis

Relief plaque with goddess Neftis
Small relief plaque made of brown baked clay. It is narrow and rectangular with flat endings on top. There is a representation of the goddess Nephthys, identifiable by her headdress, which is a combination of a basket and a house. Also, there is a hieroglyph of her name.

The goddess’ right profile is shown and she is wearing a long, ankle dress, with an ornament or possibly a belt around the waist. A big, almond-shaped eye is clearly indicated, along with lips and a big right ear. She has long hair, executed in sidelong straight lines that fall to the middle of her back.

Her disproportionately long hands are raised, holding a cartouche of Thutmose III (1504-1450 B.C.), from the 18th dynasty. Her gaze follows the hands. The plaque has a semi-circular cross section, planted in the round pedestal that was added after the artifact had come to the Museum of Slavonia.

Catalogue entry

Small relief plaque from brown terracota with image of goddess Neftis
Museum of Slavonia, Osijek
inv. no. MSO AA-1341
unknown site
New Kingdom (1539-1069 B.C.)
18th dynasty (1539-1295 B.C.), reign of Thutmose III (1479-1425 B.C.)
7.9 x 2.8 x 1.5 cm
donation, Franjo Folk


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