Shu amulet

Shu amulet
Blue-green faience amulet of Shu, god of air and wind. God Shu is reduced and very stylized, but judging by the pose, it is clear this is god Shu. The hands are raised high, indicated by a line cut on the place of the hands. Head is carelessly shaped, with eyes, mouth and nose barely recognizable. God Shu holds the sky with his hands; his right leg is kneeling on a rectangular base. On his back, in line with the hands, there is a horizontal perforation for the hands, like shoulder support.

Catalogue entry

Amulet of the god Shu
Museum of Slavonia, Osijek
inv. no. MSO AA-1343
unknown site
Late period (664-332 B.C.) - Roman period (30 B.C.-395 A.D.)
terracotta, faience
2.6 x 1.6 x 1.5 cm
donation, Ludwig H. Fischer


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