Hare amulet

Hare amulet
Blue-green faience amulet in the form of a hare. Hare amulet from the Egyptian collection of the Museum of Slavonia has almost lion-like muscles, barely resembling a hare. The animal is sitting like a sphinx, looking straight ahead. The face, reminiscent of a human, is detailed. Long ears, shaped by relief lines, are dominant and decorated with short, diagonal lines. Underneath the ears, there is a perforation for the amulet string.

Hare amulets were used not only for protection, but also for luck, blessing and patronship. It is a symbol of fertility, usually worn by women during life. In death, however, it was thought to bring the hope of rebirth. Phonetically, the hieroglyph of a hare was wn, representing the essence of life and symbol of Osiris.

Catalogue entry

Hare amulet
Museum of Slavonia, Osijek
inv. no. MSO AA-1344
unknown site
Late period (664-332 B.C.) - Roman period (30 B.C.-395 A.D.)
terracotta: modeling, carving, baking; faience: coating
2.2 x 2 x 1 cm
donation, Emerik Hild 


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