Shabti of Djed-Ptah-Iuf-Ankh

Shabti of Djed-Ptah-Iuf-Ankh

It is very well preserved, in the form of a mummy with black pillar. Headdress is separated from back pillar (XI A1). The long pointed beard falls down to the chest the same as the suspension part of klaft. The hands are crossed oppositely, unsleeved, the arms are not indicated (H 30). On the left shoulder are a hoe and a rope, on the right is a pointed pick (I 8). On the back, on the left shoulder, is an oval bag with a structure made of five horizontal lines. On the back pillar is an inscription in one column (Tp 12). It starts with the formula, shđ Wsir, enlightened Osiris, and it carries name of the owner Djed-Ptah-Iuf-Ankh. Typologicaly it is of the Saite to the Ptolemaic period.

Catalogue entry


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