Modern replica of the Ancient Egyptian obelisk at the Park Maksimir in Zagreb. It was erected by financial support of the Zagreb bishop/arhcbishop Juraj Haulik in 1843 under the obvious influnce of Egyptomania in the architecture of the first half of the 19th century.

Juraj Haulik is a well known Ancient Egyptian antiquity collector who also donated one Ancient Egyptian mummy (AMZ E-666) to Narodni muzej (today Archaeological Museum in Zagreb).

Catalogue entry

Modern replica of the Ancient Egyptian obelisk
sculptor Joseph Käschmann
Park Maksimir, Zagreb
Egyptomania, Park Maksimir, Zagreb, 1843
Juraj Haulik


  • Tomorad, Mladen. „Aegyptiaca and various forms of Egyptomania in Croatia“. U: Guilhou, Nadine (ur.). Liber Amicorum – Speculum Siderum: Nut Astrophoros – Paper presented to Alicia Maravelia. Oxford, 2016: 349-364. 357-358, fig. 6.
  • Tomorad, Mladen. Staroegipatska civilizacija, sv. II: Uvod u egiptološke studije. Zagreb, 2017. 125, fig. 130.