This illustration shows typical Egyptian hovel, a house in which villagers and their families lived in the middle of the 19th century. A dwelling with flat roof was built from straw and mud. Besides house we can see a female with a child as well as domesticated animals: chickens and goat.
Jakov Šašel probably painted this illustration during his trip from Alexandria to Kairo (between 17th and 24th September 1853).
In the late summer of 1853 Jakov Šašel went on his first journey to Austria to visit various gunsmiths. There he probably learned that Ignatio Knoblecher, from the Catholic missionary in Khartoum, was looking for various craftsmen for his mission in Sudan. Jakob decided to join the large group of missionaries and craftsmen, and in August 1853 he left his home for an almost year long journey to Egypt, Nubia and Sudan. He returned from Sudan in the summer of 1854.
Jakov Šašel described his journey to Egypt, Nubia and Africa in a manuscript journal, titled Bilder aus dem Oriente aufgenommen während einer Reise nach Aegypten, Nubien, Sudan in Jahren 1853 und 1854 (Pictures from the Orient taken during a journey to Egypt, Nubia and Sudan in 1853 and 1854), which he completed in 1863. His manuscript, bound in leather, and with the title in gold letters, is today in the collections of Karlovac Town Museum where it has the inventory number KP-460. The manuscript consists of a foreword and 143 pages of text that is divided into four main chapters. The chapters are illustrated with the 33 colourful drawings Šašel made during his journey.
Šašel’s travel journal is one of the most detailed and interesting diaries describing Egypt, Nubia and the Sudan that has survive from the middle of the 19th century. During 1884 the manuscript journal was published in sections within the journal “Svjetlo”. To mark the 140th anniversary of Jakob Šašel’s journey to Africa, in 2003 the Karlovac Town Museum published the manuscript of his travel diary in a bilingual German and Croatian edition.