Cavity of a mould for syncretistic amulet with several gods

Cavity of a mould for syncretistic amulet with several gods
An aedicule bordered by two columns with a pediment on top is engraved into the rectangular mould. In aedicule is standing figure of bearded male deity, Serapis. He is dressed in a short tunic and he is wearing kalathos on his head. He leans with his left hand on a tree that has a serpent wrapped around it, while he holds a pinecone in his right hand. His right foot is set on a ram's head. The aedicule's pediment features an eagle holding a thunderbolt in its talons. This is representation of several syncretistic deities: Serapis (middle bearded man figure), Asclepius stick (tree with serpent wrapped around it), Sabazios (pinecone), Ammon (ram's head) and Jupiter (an eagle holding a thunderbolt).

It is well preserved.

Catalogue entry

Cavity of a mould for syncretistic amulet with several gods (Serapis, Asclepius, Sabazios, Ammon and Jupiter)
Archaeological Museum Zadar, Zadar
Inv. no. AMZd A-10199
Zadar (Iader), 1964.
Roman Empire, 3rd c.
terracotta: baked earth, moulding
17 x 10 x 5 cm


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