Stone block with an image of Jupiter-Ammon

Stone block with an image of Jupiter-Ammon

Fragment of a stone block. The head of a mature man with curled hair and an equally curled beard and moustache was rendered in high relief. The hair and beard consist of stylized curls. Ram horns protrude from the sides, and their surfaces is articulated with perpendicular incisions (Cambi 1980: 43). Despite the damage, a customary stern expression is discernable, typical of portrayals of Jupiter-Ammon.
As opossed to the stone blocks from Pula and Zadar, it does not appear that this block belonged to forum architecture. Cambi held that it functioned as a console or a stone from a city gate, which ended in a protome of Jupiter-Ammon (Cambi 1980: 44).

Catalogue entry

Stone block with an image of Jupiter-Ammon
Archaeological Museum in Split, Split
Inv. no. unknown
Burnum or Varvaria
Roman Empire, 2nd-3rd c. A.D.
23 x 17 x 21 cm


  • Selem, Petar. "Aegyptiaca". U: Selem, Petar; Vilogorac Brčić, Inga. ROMIC I. Religionum Orientalium monumenta et inscriptiones ex Croatia I. Zagreb, 2015: 7-62. no. 28, 36-37.
  • Selem, Petar. "Jupiter Amon na sjevernom Jadranu". U: Kuntić Makvić, Bruna; Vilogorac Brčić, Inga (ur.). Signa et litterae IV - Zbornik projekta "Mythos - cultos - imagines deorum". Zagreb, 2013. no. 13, 123.