To Isidora nineteen years old Marcus Minicius Zosimus done during his lifetime, for his dear one.
Marcus Minicius Zosimus raised the monument to his dear Isidora, who died at the age of nineteen. We do not know if she was his daughter or wife. At the time of publication of the inscription, Bersa deemed the name Isidora, as well as the male variant Isidorus, exceptionally rare even on the "stones from other provinces" (Bersa 1900: 161, no.. 11).
Catalogue entry
Big fragment of the funerary cipus with theophoric name Isidora Family house Glimb, Nin, at the end of the 19th c. Nin (Aenona) or Zadar (Iader) Roman Empire, 1st-4th c. A.D. limestone lost
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