Fragment of a funerary stele from limestone with theophoric name Apio

Fragment of a funerary stele from limestone with theophoric name Apio

An inscription field on a grave stela, below which a damaged image of a man's head is preserved. The text of the inscription reads:


(-) TVRRANI (us)
(-) ANTIS F(ilius) VER(rus)
(p(osuit) si) BI ET APIO AVO


...Turanius Verrus
son of(-) ans,
laced for himself and his grandfather Apius.


On the inscription, the names of Turranius Verus and his grandfather Apius can be recognized. Apius is a theophorus name, derived from the name of the god Apis. It also appears in the forms Apis and Apio. Among its derivations, Malaise also counts the name Epaphus (Epaphus, Cond, 1972: 39). The name rarely appears in Italy. There Malaise found the name Epaphus four times (Cond, 1972: 64).

Catalogue entry

Fragment of a funerary stele from limestone with theophoric name Apio
Vicarage, Kruševo
Obrovac (Clambetae)
Roman Empire, 1st c. B.C.-3rd c. A.D. 
45 x 43 x 15 cm


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